Contextual Research


In my evaluation I will discuss about the power point I have done about an artist called Spartacus Chetwynd. I will also discuss the reactions of the audience with multiple responses and feedback from peers and experiences gained from this event.

My PowerPoint is formed of nine slides all of which shows and explains my artist’s influences, who the artist is, the works of Spartacus Chetwynd including multiple videos on YouTube showing her shortlist turner prize entry in 2012 including several images showing a partial performance with the audience in the making of The Snail Race (2008). Spartacus's work of The Mole, The Lizard and The Stick Insect is inspirational to me as they were all made to show the performance about wildlife conservation. All three creations are displayed with white and clear backgrounds along with their titles, sizes, mediums and year of creation. I have gathered several quotes from Chetwynd as she describes her approach to art making as "Unbridled Enthusiasm" for each work she strives for total immersion into the worlds of her subjects, honouring their passion and contribution with her own. This reflected in the DIY style Chetwynd employs: her objects are handmade to illustrate how the earnest (and the seemingly ridiculous) efforts of one person can have real meaningful consequences.

Chetwynd never used prefab materials the outfits are sewn from cloth which she dyes herself using paint and salt and masks and other accessories are made from latex moulds and or cardboard. Her figures such as the mole are humorously sympathetic and also slightly sinister, highlighting the moral dilemmas and fatal plights associated with fanaticism. During my Power Point presentation about Spartacus Chetwynd two co peers in my class had been taking notes and summarizing my presenting skills also on the information given whether it was relevant or not. They said my presentation had good varying media, well planned and thought out and I spoke clear also had good lengthy timing. On the other hand I thought I spoke really fast and I mumbled a few words I think this was down due to nervousness at the time. Images used in my presentation helped my peers understand and to help visualise the work Spartacus was doing and why I am deeply influenced by her work. I think that I had plenty of information to help talk about the costumes however others thought I had a bit too much information on the slides.

What ideas or issues are outlined by the student when discussing the work?

Peers within my group outlined the ideas that I was and Chetwynd was also inspired by the performance and traditions. The way she hand made all her costumes and creatively came up with aboriginal performances and other circumstances she had been placed in. some inspirations came from films, books and world history. She also likes to include other performing artist and the audience in her work this helps everyone to interact and become more personally connected with her work. Spartacus is influenced by popular performing traditions such as medieval mummer plays, carnivals, communes, drag acts and political demonstrations, as well as the history of performance in Avant-garde art. There performances have referred to the ideas, images and storylines of John Milton, Charles Dickens, Karl Marx and Dante, for example but also Meatloaf, The Addams Family, Star Wars and Star Ship Troopers. Brought up on film sets and studying both anthropology and fine art university Chetwynd moves easily between folk and traditions, Sci Fi, 60s happenings and contemporary moral issues.

Chetwynd is a British artist known for reworking's of iconic moments from cultural history in deliberately amateurish and improvisatory performances. She specialised in sculptures and installations that often starts handmade props, costumes and sets for her joyful anarchic performances. They acquire an afterlife in exhibition spaces, occasionally animated by amateur actors and professional dancers. Her performances are really gestural and not meant to exist afterward. She wanted to burn the costumes after but she had to change her attitude and her heroes are the Marx Brothers. They bothered to make their fun, gestural off hand experience package able, not in a dark way that people can enjoy afterward forever. Another quote from Spartacus Chetwynd "It’s important to make an effort to make things that last so they can continue to communicate to people".

Overall in this evaluation I have enjoyed the overall experience and information gained from producing a power point about artists as they help with learning and gaining skills ideas to help with future works and inspirations. I have also enjoyed peer feedback as it helps me to understand what people think about my work and how it affects them.

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